Educational an Professional Achievements
This section will include some of my Educational and Professional Achievements earned over the years. It will include GPA scores, personal notes from former professors, and professional certificates.
Degrees and Grade Point Average Scores:
Associate of Arts Degree: Arts and Humanities
Graduated Cum Laude (GPA 3.6)
Bachelor of Arts Degree: Early Child Development with a Concentration in Teacher Education
Graduated Cum Laude (GPA 3.6)
Master of Arts Degree: Education with an Concentration in Best Practices
Graduated Summa Cum Laude (GPA 4.0)
Letters of Praise and Certificates from Professors, Mentors, and Former Employers:
You are such an incredible prospect! I am delighted to learn that your long termed goal is higher education! You will do well!!!! You have so much talent and such high-quality thinking! You certainly are thriving in an environment of interaction and engagement! When you get a teaching assignment, would you be willing to videotape what you do? We can use exemplars at the University.
In regards to your website, I found out so much about your thinking and how much that thinking is a product of your experience as a learner and in your teacher preparation! Brava! Would it be possible to share your website with my colleagues? We are working on our technology as a motivator and as a tool to empower teachers. Your business certainly facilitated your development!
Best regards,
Dr. Lynne
Lynne E Anderson, Ph.D.
Interim Co-Chair
Teacher Education Department
Sanford College of Education

I like the way you organized your thoughts in a clear and concise manner. One of the assignment goals is to provide a summary of how the rubric assessment will help you and the students, and you seem to have been able to do that. I am impressed and feel that others could benefit from your work, so I would like to know if I could use your paper as an example for other classes, would that be okay with you?
You have highlighted the central ideas and have provided an explanation of the grading standards and assessment feedback on specific knowledge. Your assessment rubric properly indicates evidence of student learning and it looked like the data collected from the rubric can be used to help you drive and/or modify your instruction.
It is always a pleasure to see that the information gained from this course will be used by students in practical application. You can take pride in knowing that you will be making a positive contribution to the education of students. You are doing well in this course so far and I admire your attention to detail. You determined your explanation of the categories and found an appropriate number of categories to effectively communicate the learner outcomes desired.
Mark Powell, M.A., Ed.
National University