TPE Domain: C
TPE Domain C covers Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning. Within this section there is three subsections: TPE 4: Making Content Accessible, TPE 5: Student Engagement, and TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Practices. This page will discuss the three TPEs, pertaining to Domain C, and then there will be value artifacts demonstrating understanding of these expectations.
"Raise your words, not your voice.
It's rain that grows flowers, not thunder."

TPE 4: Making Content Accessible
In this section the teacher candidate demonstrates their ability to incorporated different teaching strategies and materials, while achieving the state-adopted content standards, and making appropriate modifications when necessary.
The below attachment is a thematic unit lesson plan focusing on differentiating between what happened long ago and what happened yesterday. It will describe the standards and instructional activities for the content areas of Social Studies/History, Visual and Performing Arts, Health Science, and Physical Education – for each day of the week. This outline will provide a specific example of how a weeklong lesson can be incorporated throughout all content areas, enhancing the students learning and comprehension of the common theme. Further along in this paper will be a Rubric example, Assessment example and a Unit Evaluation example. This unit plan will be geared towards 2nd grade and will address the California State Standards for that grade level.
TPE 5: Student Engagement
Within this segment, candidates are able to demonstrate their competency in successfully being able to communicate instructional objectives to students. In addition, the candidate is able to ensure the equal participation of all students, monitor student understanding, support student collaboration. The implementation of technology is encouraged in this Domain, along with student interest, and the application to 'real' world scenarios.
Below is the lesson plan for 4th grade, History/Social Sciences, on California Immigration. This lesson plan is created in the form of an example of the Fakebook project. It incorporates student interests, 'real' world applications, California Common Core State Standards, student collaboration, technology, and reflection on learning.
Learner Outcomes:
The child will be able to work collaboratively and successfully within their small heterogeneous group.
The child will be able to properly research key historical facts and details, from accredited sources, via the internet.
The child will be able to express their findings through a Fakebook Page Presentation.
The child will be able to place themselves in the life of an American immigrant who migrated to California between the years of 1850-1900.
The child will be able to explain how they came to California, their country of origin, where they settled, and any adversity that they faced.
Goals and Objectives:
The student will complete a KWL Chart during individual practice.
Fakebook Requirements:
Profile picture
Completed “About” section
Minimum of 5 postings (including photos and text)
Minimum of 5 comments on peer’s pages
Response to all comments on your page
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
The purpose of this section is for the teacher candidate to express their comprehension of implementing age and developmentally appropriate teaching strategies to students. Because I am a Multiple Subjects specific teacher, this section will cover TPE 6A: Developmentally Appropriate Practices in grades K-3 and TPE 6B: Developmentally Appropriate Practices in grades 4-8.
Below is a PowerPoint Presentation on Examining Depth and Rigor. It will describe both Webb's Depth of Knowledge and Bloom's Taxonomy. Then there will be a comparison of the two theories and a description on how to incorporate both into developmentally appropriate teaching strategies.
TPE 6A: Developmentally Appropriate Practices K-3rd Grade
Below is three lesson plans of Developmentally Appropriate Practices for 3rd graders: Mathematics, Science, and History/Social Sciences.
3rd Grade Mathematics:
3rd Grade Science:
Outer Space
3rd Grade History/Social Sciences:
TPE 6B: Developmentally Appropriate Practices 4th-8th Grade
Below is examples of Developmentally Appropriate Practices for 4th and 5th graders. There is a video of me teaching a Science lesson to 4th grade students and a PowerPoint Presentation on preparing 5th grade students for research.
Teaching Video of 4th Grade Dinosaurs
Preparing 5th Grade Students for Research