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TPE Domain: E

Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

This Domain consists of two sub-domains:
TPE 10: Instructional Time and TPE 11: Social Environment

"I never teach my pupils,

I only provide the conditions in which they can learn."

-Albert Einstein 

TPE 10: Instructional Time

This section is where the teacher candidate can demonstrate their understanding of the importance of time management. Successful time management skills translate to optimum student learning. This will relate to instructional time, class scheduling, lessons and activities. It is important to note that with stellar time management, it is just a crucial to be flexible when in the field of education.
Below is an example of the daily schedule for my classroom and rationale behind the scheduling procedures.

Daily Schedule: Elementary Classroom

Daily Routines and Procedures

I am a strong believer that children crave consistency. By setting consistent routines and procedures, students will feel safe, be able to behave in an appropriate manner, and know what to expect. It is also important to remember to be in control – without being a control freak. Daily routines and procedures will be established in the first weeks of school. Then we will consistently follow them for the duration of the year, to the best of our abilities. By having the students knowing what to expect in their day, they are able to relax and focus on learning. In addition, this will be especially beneficial to any students with special needs - as consistency is key to their daily success.

The day begins with a greeting and announcements. This will prepare students and teacher to begin their daily journey together. Soon following the morning greetings will be reading and writing activities. We begin our day with these to help warm up our brains and creative juices. After recess, once the body has stretched and the blood is pumping, students will come in to a math and science lesson. Following lunch and a day of learning, students will begin abstract thought with history/social studies and art/music. There will be twenty minutes at the end of each day designed to provide extra time for students to finish work, receive help, have a review, or start their homework. I believe that this daily closure is an important way to show reflection and respect.

Below is a link to a PowToon Presentation. The presentation is for a 4th grade History/Social Sciences lesson plan. It is an instructional video that explains the goals and objectives for the activity.

TPE 11: Social Environment

Within this teaching expectation is where the teacher candidate can demonstrate the creation of a safe and engaging environment. The candidate is capable of establishing a positive climate for social, emotions and physical health - that is essential for student learning.

Future Classroom Layout and Rational

The diagram above shows the type of arrangement I would like to have for my future classroom. The grouped tables are appropriate for collaborative work. Collaborative work is a key component to classroom instruction, at the elementary school level. The desks are all faced vertically. This is so all the students will be able to view instruction and presentations without having to turn their desks.


At the end of each table group I placed a shelf. I did this so the students will have a specific place to keep their texts and materials. This frees up workspace on top of their desks, by eliminating material buckets. The end shelves also will save time and promote organization during transitions.

There is a reading center in the far corner, providing a private, quiet place for students to read individually or with peers. It is semi-enclosed and made comfortable with the rug and seating area.

In the front-center of the classroom there is a large rug for the teacher and students to sit or lay during a read aloud. The large space also acts as a stage for student presentations.


Along the perimeter there is the teacher’s desk, providing a clear view of the entire room. Next to it is a kidney table, this could be used for small group instruction, listening center, or specific student-teacher assessments. Computers in the classroom will allow students easy access to research, offer them the opportunity to practice typing, and allow individual or paired technological learning.


There is plenty of storage in the back of the room to help eliminate clutter, allowing the environment to be organized and aesthetically pleasing. Finally, I placed a couple of chairs in the back of the room to serve as extra seating for students or for observers.


My overall goal for the classroom design is to offer the students an environment with proper feng shui. The layout provides fluid movement for the students and teacher, promoting creativity, and learning. The colors and theme will be of blues and greens, known colors to encourage learning and development with younger children. I will also be aware to have bulletin boards primary purpose to be the display of student work – being careful not to have them become over-stimulating.  



The class expectations will be discussed at the beginning of the year, and posted in the classroom.

I will also post expectations that the students should have for me.


  1. You don’t have to like or agree with everybody, but you do need to be kind.

  2. Respect is key. Respect yourself, respect your peers, respect your teacher, and respect your environment.

  3. Come to school prepared to learn, be creative, and have FUN!

  4. Always try your best.

  5. Everyone makes mistakes. It’s ok to make mistakes, as long as you try to fix them.

Classroom Rules

Students will help create the classroom rules and guidelines at the beginning of each school year.

Students will create and sign our classroom contract, and it will be posted in the classroom.

Below is an example of what they would look like.


The 3 Bees:


Bee Safe

What does that mean? Walk indoors, feet on floor, keep chairs tucked in.

Bee Kind

What does that mean? Treat peers, teacher and classroom with respect.

Bee Responsible

What does that mean? Keep your learning space clean and organized, try your best, have open communication.

Literature Review


This annotated bibliography will provide an inside look into Chapter 8 from the textbook Multicultural Education Issues and perspectives, written by James A. Banks and Cherry A. McGee Banks. With the assistance from two scholarly articles, the first being: Gender equity in the American classroom: Where are the women? Written by Dennis J. Hannan. The second article is AAUW releases new report on Gender Equity in Education, by American Association of University Women. In this annotated bibliography, we will discuss gender equality in modern day American schools. Chapter 8 of the Multicultural text covers the understanding and support of gender equity in schools. The first article will provide discussion on gender discrimination in the modern-day classroom and how to improve learning conditions for all students, regardless of their sex. While the second article discusses studies conducted on gender differences in academia, via standardized test scores, high school graduation rates, and college completion.

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