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The California Teaching Performance Expectations

A. Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject matter Instruction

TPE 1A: Subject-Specific Pedagogical Skills for Multiple Subject Teaching Assignments (English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and History/Social Studies)


B. Assessing Student Learning

TPE 2:  Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction

TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments


C. Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning

TPE 4: Making Content Accessible

TPE 5: Student Engagement

TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices

TPE 6A: Grades K-3

TPE 6B: Grades 4-8

TPE 7: Teaching English Learners


D. Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students

TPE 8: Learning About Students

TPE 9: Instructional Planning


E. Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning

TPE 10: Instructional Time 

TPE 11: Social Environment


F. Developing as a Professional Educator

TPE 12: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations

TPE 13: Professional Growth




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