Where I am Headed

Beginning in 2017, I graduated from National University, with honors. I obtained a Master’s Degree in Education with an emphasis on Best Practices.
Soon following graduation, I completed my internship program. Gaining invaluable classroom experience at the primary school level.
I have been teaching at Pleasant Valley School District, as an elementary school teacher since 2017.
The next step on my Professional Development Growth Plan is earning my Google Educator Certificate. This is the documentation of mastery of skills in Google Education Applications. Technology is the wave of the future, and implanting Google Applications in the classroom is essential to student learning and collaboration. By earning this certificate, it will allow me to demonstrate my skills in modern educational technology.
Another personal and professional goal of mine is to attend the educational conference of Sir Ken Robinson. “Creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson challenges the way we’re educating our children. He champions a radical rethink of our school systems, to cultivate creativity and acknowledge multiple types of intelligence” (Robinson) Sir Ken Robinson is a monumental inspiration to me and my career in education. His beliefs align with my personal teaching philosophy, and it would be an extraordinary experience to attend one of his conferences.
After teaching for a few years, and developing further as an educator, I plan on earning my National Board Certification. This certification takes anywhere between 1-3 years to complete, and it is the highest professional certification a teacher can earn. It allows you to demonstrate your skills as an effective educator, within the highest standards of the profession. According to recent studies, students of NBCTs outperform their peers in the classrooms. In addition to providing the best learning opportunities for your students, this certification will open doors to leadership opportunities, professional marketability, and much more (National Board of Certified Teachers).
Within my 10-year Professional Growth Plan, another goal is to create a Teacher Support Group. I plan on implementing this goal through a website and social media forum. This will be a place where teachers or inspiring teachers can go for assistance or inspiration. Colleague collaboration is essential to surviving and staying fresh in the education field. By creating a teacher support group, I hope to deter teachers from feeling frustrated, compliant and stale with their teaching.
My overall, long-term goal, is to teach Education and Child Development at a Collage and University level. To successfully reach this goal, I will need the experiences listed above, along with my Doctorate in Education. This will be the final step in my 10-year Professional Development Growth Plan, before I can reach the summit of my academic and professional career.
Robinson, K. (n.d.). Ken Robinson. Retrieved January 17, 2017, from https://www.ted.com/speakers/sir_ken_robinson
Why Certify? (n.d.). Retrieved January 17, 2017, from http://boardcertifiedteachers.org/about-certification/why-certify