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Personal Philosophy
I am passionate about teaching the “whole child”. I believe every person to be unique, learning in his or her own creative way. It is my goal to discover and harvest that creativity, then to help each child flourish with a supportive, guiding hand.
I am passionate about divergent thinking. Divergent thinking differs from creative thinking. Creative thinking is the process of having original ideas that have value. Whereas, Divergent thinking is the ability to see lots of possible answers to one particular question – with many ways to interpret that question. It is a goal of mine, as an educator, to provide the necessary scaffolding for children to reach this standard of higher-order thinking.
In addition, we should help the children to learn kindness, understanding and compassion for others and the world around them. Just because you do not like someone or agree with them, never justifies being unkind. It is our character that defines us, as humans, and it is how we handle adversity that defines our character.
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