TPE Domain: F
TPE 12: Professional, Legal, and Ethical Obligations
TPE 12 covers the candidate’s comprehension of California and Federal laws and procedures pertaining to Education and all types of students. The teacher should demonstrate an understanding of how and when to appropriately report child abuse, neglect or sexual harassment. In addition, the teacher candidate is expected to understand and honor legal and professional responsibilities of the health, safety, and privacy of students, families, and colleagues. Below is a small demonstration of my personal comprehension of this domain.
"Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have a right to do and what is right to do."
- Potter Stewart
The following document includes valuable information on the Referral Process. It will cover the procedures for referrals if the child does and does not have a learning disability in reading, referrals by the parents, and alternatives to Special Education.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA is a federal law that protects the privacy of student educational records. It also provides parents with certain rights regarding their child’s education records.
Such rights include:
Parents and students are allowed access to a copy of the student’s educational records.
Parents and students are allowed to request corrections to records that they believe are inaccurate.
Schools need to provide an adequate amount of time for a response, and notify parents of the release of “directory information” of the student.
Schools must notify parents and students of their rights under FERPA.
Principles and teachers are held to a certain Duty of Care standards.
This includes:
The responsibility of creating and maintaining a safe school environment.
The responsibility of maintaining and providing adequate supervision of student activity.
The responsibility of anti-bullying prevention techniques.
The responsibility of ensuring needed medical assistance to an injured or sick student.
Below is a document that covers the Legal Rights of both Teachers and Students. As an educator, it is crucial to know your rights as a teacher and an individual in the education field. In addition, it is equally important to understand the rights of your students.
TPE 13: Professional Growth
TPE 13 is the evaluation of the teacher candidate’s own teaching practices and subject matter knowledge, in regards to the state-adopted academic content standards. In this category, feedback and self-reflection is key to teaching effectiveness.
Knowledge of Results, or feedback, has been proven as a highly effective strategy to enhancing the speed and accuracy of learning a topic, lesson, or subject. Knowledge of Results decreases the practice time students need to master a skill or concept because they are actively learning from feedback, whether that feedback comes from self-evaluation, peer evaluation, or a teacher evaluation. The text, Learn More Faster, provides a prime example of this scenario, “…students needed to practice drawing what they estimated were four-inch lines… after drawing hundreds of them the last few were no more accurate than the first few… however when the students were asked to measure each line after they drew it… their skills improved tremendously because they had feedback” (Hunter, 1967).
As a multiple subject teacher, I would plan of implementing effective feedback in all areas of learning. Knowledge of Results or feedback would come in many different forms throughout the day, year, and even subject and project. Some of the many forms it would take would be self-evaluation, such as the example given above. Self-evaluation can also come in the form of having the students create their own rubric. The second form that I would allow feedback to be used is through peer evaluation. This can be done through a fishbowl activity, partners, think-pair-share, peer editing, and so on. Finally, feedback can be provided to students in my classroom through teacher feedback. This can take the form of Student-Teacher Conferences, notes on student work, and the chance for students to amend any errors that they made on an exam.
Hunter, M. C. (1967). Teach more - faster: A programmed book. El Segundo, CA: TIP Pubs.
Below is a 2nd grade lesson plan presentation "Paleontologists", covering CCSS for Mathematics, ELA, Science, and History/Social Sciences. At the end of the lesson plan there is a segment on Teacher Reflection, that will represent TPE 13 understanding.
Below is a 2nd grade lesson plan, along with a self-reflection and teacher feedback on "Community Maps". It adequately covers the CCSS for History/Social Sciences. The link on the right is the Teacher Reflection and Feedback paper, that will represent TPE 13 understanding.
Lesson Plan:
Reflection and Feedback:
Below is a 3rd grade PBL lesson plan presentation, along with a self-reflection and teacher feedback on "Geography". It adequately covers the CCSS for History/Social Sciences. The link on the right is the Teacher Reflection and Feedback paper, that will represent TPE 13 understanding.
Literature Review
The Safe Schools Presentation that I decided to focus on was on Restorative Justice. Below is a lit. review and image on the subject.